Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mad Men Madness

I just recently moved into a studio apartment and am living alone for the first time in my life. How do I describe the feeling of being able to have complete ownership of the remote control and being able to watch what I want when I want? ...sheer uninterrupted bliss.

I can only begin to describe how fanatical I am about the AMC TV series 'Mad Men'. I was drawn to this show immediately upon seeing the previews in 2007. I think it was the style of the female characters' makeup that primarily caught my eye. I am always interested to see how women wore their makeup in different eras. My mother grew up in the 60's and has said "that show has portrayed the 1960's dead-on". With the clothing style, use of color, body types, body language and indecency, it is difficult to not become intrigued by what went on in this story...or better yet in that time period. I'm fascinated.

Season 4 began just 3 weeks ago and since I just had cable TV installed yesterday, I wasn't able to enjoy watching my favorite show other than ordering the already-aired episodes on iTunes, after the fact. Episode 4 airs tonight and I literally cleared my entire schedule just so nothing would interfere with my 9pm hour of enjoyment. One huge wrench in my situation is...episode 3 aired last Sunday night and has not been released onto the all. Only episodes 1 and 2 are available as of yet. I have no choice but to miss episode 3 for now and jump from episode 2 to 4! Sad face. I know this sounds ridiculous...I have been watching this show since it first aired and it is against everything I believe in to miss an episode, or even any one part of an episode. I told my manfriend "I need complete silence when my show is on. I need to hear everything they say, watch their body language and see all their facial expressions." Also, you simply cannot pick up watching this show at any point BUT the first episode. The only way to comprehend what is happening throughout the storyline is to start from the beginning, otherwise none if it will make sense and you will have to then bother someone (like me) who has been faithfully watching since day one. Even then, it is difficult to understand the situation-you certainly have to see for yourself. If you haven't been watching, that is your fault. Best show EVER!

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