Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Lipstick That Doesn't Exist

"I want something pinky, but not too pink, something with a little color, but sheer-ish, not brown, not orange, but maybe coral-y? Not too shiny, but not matte either. Something with no sparkle, but shimmery is ok." I know all my fellow makeup artists would LOL at that. Please...I beg you to let a makeup artist match the perfect color for you or even some new, fun, sexy, gorgeous colors. I cannot express this enought! Its probably difficult for anyone to understand this concept unless you are a hardcore cosmetic junkie or a makeup artist. Nonetheless, I will venture to express my dismay. I have been faced with this issue on countless occasions...almost 10 years in the beauty industry. Please realize that when you see a lip color on a model or in an ad, unless you know the name/brand/packaging of that doesn't exist for you. Believe me. Its best to have a makeup artist match you and make suggestions based upon what looks best on you. Take into consideration that the person who you saw it on most likely does not have the same color hair or skin tone as you. You can try their lip color on and it will not look the same on you...I promise. Please refrain from acting surprised by my last statement or when the salesperson proves this to you upon your visit to the makeup store/counter. This is considered common sense and not just one of those things only a makeup artist would know. You will not look like Jennifer Aniston when you wear the lipgloss that OK! magazine said she wears. THAT, my friends is the beauty of marketing and PR people. They actually have to pay Jennifer Aniston to be able to use her name to promote their product or just wear it once in a picture or ad. Lets smarten up and not follow what everyone else is doing too closely. Individuality and originality are sexy. This way, you stand out from the crowd. Blending in is boring and kind of scary. Be yourself...thats beautiful.

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